Glow & Sparkle Sdn Bhd

Energy Audit Services

in Malaysia

Identify Power Consumption

Why You Need An Energy Audit

Through an Energy Audit, you are able to identify your inefficient energy consumption and monitor your power usage measures all the time.

With our energy consumption audit, Glow & Sparkle will helps to conduct a roadmap to re-optimize your energy consumption approach to foster a more efficient and sustainable energy usage for you.

Paying for high power usage cost every month? You might get hit in energy usage problem. Glow & Sparkle Energy Audit are here to help you find out and identify your usage problem, meanwhile we help to solve it also.

Energy Saving Proposal

We are here to offer an energy saving solution to our customer in order to reduce their utility expenses, at the same time increase their monthly surplus for other upgrading budget.

Free Internal Training

Energy Saving Awareness

Besides providing energy saving plan proposal, Glow & Sparkle also will provide internal training for your operation & technician to awareness of power consumption.

Glow & Sparkle will also advice our clients on: